EPFA Personal Data Policy

The EPFA knows that you care how information about you and your child is used and shared and we appreciate your trust in us to do that carefully and sensibly. This policy describes the types of personal information that we may collect, the purposes for which we use the information, the circumstances in which we may share the information and the steps that we take to safeguard the information to protect you and your child’s privacy.

1   Types of information on how it used

1.1   Children’s personal information

The EPFA collects information about children attending EFPA events.  The amount of information varies according to the event and may include:

 Child’s name
 Child’s class
 Information about allergies
 Emergency contact details

This is used to create attendee lists and distribute tickets back via the book bags.

The information may be collected via paper forms or submitted electronically.  The information will be accessible by the event organiser(s), and may be taken home to complete administration.

After the event has taken place the data will be destroyed or deleted. Data collected on paper will be shredded or incinerated.  Data collected electronically will be deleted and any backups deleted.

 1.2   EPFA Volunteers Information

The EPFA holds personal information about EPFA volunteers.  This includes:

 Volunteer name
 Volunteer e-mail address
 Volunteer phone numbers.

This is used to send out requests for help at EPFA events.

 EPFA meeting agendas
 EPFA meeting minutes
 EPFA events

This information is held electronically and is accessible by the following elected members:


E-mails to members will be sent out using the Volunteers distribution group using the blind copy option and each member’s e-mail address will be not be visible to the other members on communication.

Consent to be added to the EPFA Volunteers distribution group (also known as the Volunteers Database) is provided when a volunteer opts in via volunteer return forms.

Volunteers can request to be taken out of the Volunteers distribution group and their details removed permanently from the address book by making a request to: contactepfa@gmail.com.

1.3   EPFA Members Information

The EPFA holds personal information about EPFA members.  This includes:

 Member name
 Member e-mail address
 Member phone numbers

This is used to send our regular EPFA updates such as:

 EPFA meeting agendas
 EPFA meeting minutes
 EPFA events

This information is held electronically and accessible by the following elected members:


E-mails to members will be sent out using the Members distribution group and each member’s e-mail address will be visible to the other members on communication.

Consent from new members to be included in the Members distribution group is collected at the beginning of regular EPFA meetings.

Members can request to be taken out of the Members distribution group and their details removed permanently from the address book by making a request to: contactepfa@gmail.com.

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