Term Dates

The Havering website lists term dates for the next two years
Please note that these do not include non-pupil days. These are listed below.

September 2024 – July 2025

 AUTUMN          02/09/2024- 20/12/2024
 SPRING06/01/2025 – 04/04/2025
 SUMMER22/04/2025 – 22/07/2025
Autumn Half Term28/10/2024 – 01/11/2024
Christmas23/12/2024 – 06/01/2025
Spring Half Term 17/02/2025 – 21/02/2025
Easter 07/04/2025 – 21/04/2025
May Day 05/05/2025
Summer Half Term      26/05/2025 – 30/05/2025

Term Dates 2023-2024 (with Inset Days)

Term Dates 2024-2025 (with Inset Days)

Term Dates 2025-2026 (with inset days)

Non pupil days

22nd, 23rd, 24th July 2024

2nd and 3rd September 2024

4th November 2024

21st and 22nd July 2025

School Times

A typical week:

KS1 & KS2 – 32 hours and 30 minutes

Infant children start at 8.50a.m. and finish at 3.20p.m. (Reception children start at 8.55a.m and finish at 3.05p.m.)
Junior children start at 8.50a.m. and finish at 3.20p.m.

Gates close at 8.49a.m.
The lunch break is an hour  for KS2 12:15-1:15  KS1 11:45-12.45. Children going home for their dinner should not return to school any earlier than 10 minutes before the end of lunchtime. If children leave school for appointments they unfortunately cannot return during the lunchtime due to fire regulations.

Infant children break times are 10.30am to 10.45am in the morning and may have an additional break in the afternoon.
Junior children have a morning break from 10.45am to 11am.

Staff are on duty 10 minutes before the start of the morning session and children may go to their classrooms then. Children should not be in school any earlier than this, unless they have been given permission to take part in a particular activity.
Infants must be collected from school at the end of the day. Junior children may have parents’ permission to go home alone. Please let us know by telephone if, because of exceptional circumstances, you are going to be late collecting your child from school.

Absence During Term Time
An application for a child’s leave of absence during term time is rarely granted and should only be requested in exceptional circumstances. A ‘Leave of Absence’ form can be requested from the school office. If your request is not granted then your child’s absence will be recorded as unauthorised and you may be issued with a Penalty Notice by the Local Authority.

All children are expected to attend school except when they are ill, in which case the child should be fully recovered before returning. Please telephone the school on the first day of absence and provide a details of the absence in writing immediately upon the child’s return to school. Please note that children should not attend school for 48 hours after vomiting or diarrhoea.  Click link below to view our protocol for first day calling:

First Day Calling Protocol

Being on time is important as the teaching day starts straight away. Children arriving after the electronic registration receive a late mark. Please ensure your child has enough time to unpack their kit into lockers etc. and arrive in class in time for the start of the day. Please be punctual in arranging collection of you child at the end of the day, unfortunately we cannot supervise uncollected children in reception.

School Meals and Packed Lunches
Any child who is in full-time attendance can stay in school for a midday meal to find out more about Havering School Catering click here
Provision is made for those children whose parents wish them to bring packed lunches. These lunches should be securely packed in named lunchboxes (no glass containers, knives, sweets, fizzy or hot drinks please). Proper standards of behaviour are expected during the lunch break.

Milk is available for children in Infant classes. The company ‘Cool Milk’ will provide free milk to all pupils up to their 5th birthday. From the age of 5 it is offered to parents at a subsidised rate to all  children. Parents register and pay Cool Milk direct. You can view further information at their website by clicking here.

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