Engayne Parent and Friends Association

What is the EPFA? EPFA stands for Engayne Primary Friends’ Association.

We are a charity made up of parents and teachers, elected and regular members who plan and run events to raise money.

We hold an Annual General Meeting to agree how the money should be spent to best benefit the pupils.    We meet every 6 weeks during term time to progress event planning, review new ideas and agree expenditure.  As a regulated charity, all meeting minutes and accounts are available and our meetings are open to all.

Without the work that we the EPFA do, a number of activities Engayne pupils currently enjoy such as theatre groups, educational trips and regular swimming lessons would not be able to take place and certain improvements to facilities would not happen as government funding is insufficient

How can you help?  The EPFA runs solely with volunteers and all help, whether an hour at one event to joining the EPFA, attending committee meetings and running an event is appreciated.  A number of events demand a lot of setup and preparation and many hands make light work.
Join EPFA  To join the EPFA, come along to our 6 weekly meetings which are advertised on the EPFA Events page.  There is no obligation to attend every meeting.  The EPFA meetings are normally held in the KS2 Hall on Thursday’s at 7:30pm, accessed via the main school reception and last 1 to 2 hours.  The EPFA welcome all new members and you can say as much or as little as you want.You can also become a member by e-mailing contactepfa@gmail.com and provide the following details:

  • Name
  • Phone Number
  • E-mail Address
  • Whether you are a parent/friend.
Volunteer  You can join our volunteer database; this will include you on mailings for major events to request your time to help out.  There is no obligation to help every time, but being able to e-mail volunteers is more efficient for the EPFA and cheaper (as we have to pay per ParentMail communication).  You can ask to be taken off at any time.  Your e-mail address will only be accessible by EPFA elected members.To be added to the volunteer database e-mail contactepfa@gmail.com and provide the following details:

  • Name
  • Phone Number
  • E-mail Address

Alternatively, respond to requests to help at individual EPFA events by completing return slips received via Parent Mail or Book bags.

Some larger employers will allow you to volunteer a number of days per year and be paid as if you were at work.  Ask your Human Resources Department to see if this applies to you and if you require help to complete any paperwork, the EPFA can help.

Match Giving
 The EPFA welcome personal donations of money or items we can use as raffle or games prizes.  Please make any cheques payable to the E.P.F.A. and send via the School Office.  If you have an item that you would like to donate please contact the EPFA via e-mail contactepfa@gmail.com.A number of employers operate schemes called ‘Matched Giving’ whereby your company matches the amount of your donation or the amount you raise through volunteering.

For example: A parent, who works for a company that offers matched funding, volunteers to help on the refreshment stall at the Christmas Fayre. The profit made by the stall is £200. The parents employer will then “match” this amount by donating a further £200 to the EPFA (assuming they offer a £ for £ match).

This is a fantastic benefit as the EPFA can receive up to double the amount raised, without any additional effort involved.

A sample of companies which offer ‘Matched Giving’ are:

Abbey National
Bank of England
Barclays Bank
Bayer Plc
British Gas
Booker Plc
Bradford & Bingley
Cable & Wireless
Clifford Chance
Cornhill Insurance
Credit Suisse
J Sainsbury
Legal & General
Littlewoods PLC
Lloyds Bank
Marks & Spencers
National Grid
Norwich Union
Reuters Holdings
Royal Bank of Scotland
Royal London Mutual Ins
Tesco Plc
The One Account
W H Smith
Woolwich Plc

Check with your Human Resources Department to see whether your employer offers ‘Matched Giving’ and contact the EPFA if you would like help completing any paperwork required.

Attend Events  Look out for events publicised via:

  • Parentmail
  • Letters via bookbags
  • EPFA notice boards (One on the corner of Severn Drive and Humber Drive, the second at the entrance of KS1)
  • EPFA Facebook Page
Discount & Deals  A number of events require the EPFA to purchase prizes and stock for refreshments, if you can get a discount through work please let us know so that we can get items at the best price.
Contacts The EPFA offer a number of ways to get in contact:

Email:            contactepfa@gmail.com

Phone:           01708 223492
(School Office staff will pass on messages to EPFA Members)

Facebook:     EPFA

In Person:     Look out for EPFA members at the school gates at drop off and pick up

EPFA Committee Members

President Mrs Sara Sankey
Chairperson Mrs Emma Thomsen
Vice-Chairperson Mrs Michelle Bedding
Secretary Mrs Catrin Warden
Treasurer Mrs Suzanne Attwood-Kelly
Social and Fundraising Officer Mr Terry Claydon
Refreshment Officer Mrs Kirsty Murphy
Other Committee Members Mrs Suzanne Wiltshire
Mrs Lisa Gunther
Mrs Jenny Dyer
Mrs Debbie Cavanagh
Mrs Lisa Hines
Mrs Jo Howells
Mrs Claire Moore
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