
EXCITING NEWS …Engayne staff have been recording stories in audio and video format. They are in our very own STORYTIME library. Click the link to see more!

The children loved the ‘world of work’ day and enjoyed trying out different jobs!

Fleet Class Assembly

EYFS Phonics Parents Workshop

Welcome to Reception Video


Twenty One children completed their next four reading challenges on the Share you Love of Reading Grid. They were rewarded with a special orienteering treasure hunt, colouring and dressing up treat to celebrate their love of books.

The Summer term has begun and we headed out to Upminster Windmill and the sensory garden to learn all about how flour is produced and which plants attract butterflies and bees. We had a great time on the bus and were very observant finding lots of statues, plants and parts of the windmill. Some of us even ground some flour!

EYFS had a fantastic day at Thorndon Park. They found out about all kinds of mini-beasts and investigated the life cycle of a butterfly!

We were all very excited to welcome Little City back to Engayne. The children earned the money through their enterprise projects to pay for this event. The children also have an outdoor learning session with the Outdoor Project to look forward to next week!

We are looking forward to the launch of the Summer Reading Challenge at all our local libraries on the 6th July!

We took part in the Take 10 challenge on October 10th

The Take 10 Challenge encourages people to read for just 10 minutes a day to improve their wellbeing and support their literacy. For more information click here.

Does your child have trouble selecting a book to read? Watch this fun animation to help them choose books they will love! 

With your library membership you can view a variety of story and factual books online. To find out more visit:

Visit the link below to also find encyclopedias, dictionaries, art and music resources in the virtual library:

The Importance of Bedtime Reading for Children – this website has lots of suggested books and tips to make bedtime reading engaging.

If you are having issues logging into Bug Club please click here for advice

Stay connected to Engayne

We would love you to join this community and stay connected with Engayne. Were you a pupil at Engayne? Do you know someone who was?

We need people from a range of careers and pathways to open our pupils’ eyes to what’s possible in the future and help to enhance school life. You could support us in many ways – as role models, assembly speakers, fundraisers, classroom volunteers, governors and more. There is no obligation to do anything after you’ve signed up but you’ll receive a few updates to let you know what we’re up to.

If you would like to stay involved in supporting our school, sign up as a ‘friend’ here (or, if you happen to be a former pupil yourself select that option):  

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